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The Code of Ethics for members of AALAS has been adopted by the Board of Trustees to promote and maintain the highest standards of professional and personal conduct among its members. Adherence to these standards is required for membership in the Association and servers to assure public confidence in the integrity and service of AALAS members. 

  1. Maintain the highest standard of personal conduct.
  2. Promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within the profession of laboratory animal science. 
  3. Maintain loyalty to the profession of laboratory animal science and pursue its objective in ways that are consistent with the public interest.
  4. Recognize and discharge my responsibility and that of my position to uphold all laws and regulations relating to the profession of laboratory animal science. 
  5. Strive for excellence in all aspects of the profession of laboratory animal science. 
  6. Use only legal and ethical means in all professional activities. 
  7. Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to me by virtue of my position. 
  8. Refuse to engage in, or countenance, activities for personal gain at the expense of the profession of laboratory animal science. 
  9. Always communicate associated internal and external statements in a truthful and accurate manner. 
  10. Cooperate in every reasonable and proper way with others and work with them in the advancement of the profession of laboratory animal science. 
  11. Use every opportunity to improve public understanding of the role of the profession of laboratory animal science. 


P.O. Box 11

Del Mar, CA 92014


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